Interpretation Service
WINWIN provides comprehensive,Interpretation Areas
Simultaneous interpretation
A pair of interpreters sit in a closed booth, listening to the speech delivered from the speaker’s microphone to the interpreters’ headsets. One interpreter simultaneously interprets the speech to audience members wearing earphones connected to a portable receiver to which the interpretation is wirelessly transmitted in real time via an audio system. Simultaneous interpretation is effective for international conferences, workshops, forums, seminars, symposiums, live broadcasts, presentations, etc., where the speaker is given a maximum amount of time without a restriction on audience size. Since simultaneous interpretation requires a high level of concentration, a pair of interpreters take turns to stay focused.Consecutive interpretation
An interpreter takes notes on what the speaker says and, after a paragraph is spoken, interprets the message based on the notes and memory. The interpretation is not carried out simultaneously but consecutively, paragraph by paragraph, whenever the speaker pauses. One interpreter is sufficient for consecutive interpretation, as opposed to two for simultaneous interpretation, and no additional equipment is required, thus making this option more cost-effective. Consecutive interpretation is an excellent choice for press conferences, M&A negotiations, investor relations meetings, business counseling, due diligence proceedings, court hearings/witness testimony interpretations, project interpretations, and VIP summits, where two-way communication in close proximity is important and there are many questions posed to the speaker.Relay (simultaneous) interpretation
When multiple (three or more) languages are spoken at a conference, relay interpretation is done simultaneously. For example, a speaker speaks in English to a Korean, Chinese, and Japanese audience, and Booth 1 simultaneously interprets from English to Korean. Booth 2 and Booth 3 also simultaneously interpret the output from Booth 1 (from Korean) into Chinese and Japanese, respectively, so the entire audience can understand the speaker in real time. In Korea, as there are no professional English-Japanese or English-Chinese interpreters, relay interpretation is the only method of offering multiple language simultaneous interpretation as above. Although the process is highly technical, there is only a minor time gap between the speaker, Booth 1, and Booths 2/3 if the professional simultaneous interpreters work in sync, making the service as high quality as regular simultaneous interpretation from the audience’s perspective.Whispering interpretation
An interpreter whispers the interpretation to a limited number of foreign clients when the audience is almost entirely Korean and when the meeting/conference is mainly conducted in Korean. Without the high cost of regular simultaneous interpretation that requires a pair of interpreters and a booth/equipment, the foreign client(s) can easily follow the meeting/conference. A wireless portable transmitter/receiver may be used for whispering interpretation to enhance the interpreter’s voice quality delivered to the ears of the listeners while minimizing noise from the interpreter that might interfere with the meeting and also to increase the number of listeners. This whispering interpretation via transmitter/receiver is recommended when there is no space for an interpreter booth in the room and when the number of listeners is minimal. Teleconferences (such as BOD meeting) conducted in Korean may also be interpreted to a person on the other side of the screen using a similar method via phone.Copyright(C)WinWinTrans. All Rights Reserved. 2018
(Since 2004)